Kevin Johnston

Kevin Johnston is widely admired in the aviation industry as an authority on crisis communications and media relations. He has managed United Airlines' EMEAI media relations for more than 25 years and is a special advisor to the airline on international public relations. He was a member of the United team that handled media relations in the wake of 9/11 and also supported Spanair in the immediate aftermath of the Madrid tragedy.

In addition to many other aviation accidents and incidents, his work with organisations as a speaker, advisor and trainer stretches across the globe, including the Gulf States and Middle East. He managed media relations for the British Airports Authority during the Heathrow Terminal 5 Public Inquiry. The inquiry lasted five years - the longest planning inquiry in UK history. It found in favour of Heathrow and Terminal 5 was built. Kevin, Kenyon’s longest serving Crisis Communications Director, is based at London Heathrow.