Duration | 1 day
Action Steps for Response and Recovery Operations.
Virtual Classroom (UK)
Houston Academy
Bracknell Academy
Virtual Classroom (UK)
Virtual Classroom (US)
Bracknell Academy
Virtual Classroom (UK)
Houston Academy
Bracknell Academy
Virtual Classroom (UK)
Virtual Classroom (US)
Bracknell Academy
Virtual Classroom (UK)
Houston Academy
Delivered exclusively for your company
Emergency operations at local level are different from those at corporate level as they will often involve the immediate requirement to assist victims and their families face-to-face. Station staff will be responsible for establishing and maintaining many of the vital systems and facilities that will form the basis of the company response in the early stages of an emergency. By understanding the components of a crisis and the key events that can be expected, managers can put their own responsibilities and those of their colleagues into proper context. The aim of this course is to enable local management personnel to effectively plan for an emergency and implement response operations.
- Consider emergency preparation at station level including local teams
- Understanding the sequence of response, from activation of the teams, coordination with headquarters, to preparation for the arrival of the Go team
- Examine the roles and responsibilities of the station staff and the demands from families, media and the public
- How to prepare at the station level
- Crisis organisation and internal communications
- Selection and training of local teams
- Relationships with ground handling and other agents
- Local emergency control centres
- Station staff roles and responsibilities
- Information management, reports and procedures
- The needs of accident victims and their families
- Media and external communications
- Prepare for arrival of company Go Teams
- Return to normal or near-normal operations
Suitable For
Station Managers and senior support staff
Extensive use of case studies, large and small group discussions as well as exercises
Further information
To learn more about the Airline Station Manager Training and how it can complement your existing Emergency Plan, please E-mail kenyon@kenyoninternational.com or contact the Kenyon UK Office on +44 (0) 1344 316 650
Course details
Course details
Aviation Crisis Management Training
Course details
Aviation Crisis Management Training
Course details
Course details
Aviation Crisis Management Training
Course details
Aviation Crisis Management Training
Course details