Support when you need it most


Since 1906, we have expertly responded to hundreds of incidents of all types and sizes. Our highly respected team brings unrivalled knowledge, skills, and first-hand crisis management experience to any situation, anywhere in the world. 


We believe in meticulously planning, preparing, and training for when, not if. This proactive approach to crisis readiness ensures we are always one step ahead, making us the go-to partner for clients requiring a well-resourced response plan to any crisis. 


Our rapid and adaptive response to emergencies globally sets us apart, providing our clients with the assurance that they will receive immediate, effective, compassionate, and highly specialised support when it matters most. 

Plan, prepare, respond, recover.

Kenyon offers over a century of experience planning for and responding to complex crisis incidents. From conducting pre-incident training to delivering world-class disaster recovery services, family and humanitarian support, and crisis communications and regulatory compliance assistance, Kenyon provides the expertise, skills, and strategic guidance necessary for emergency response planning of the highest standard, wherever in the world it is required.

Our approach to crisis readiness and emergency response helps safeguard your company’s reputation, aids long-term recovery, and ensures that those affected receive all the support and compassion they need. This is why we are the trusted crisis management partner of leading public and private sector organisations across all industries, globally.