Duration | 1 day
Insights from over 100 years of Kenyon experience.
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Bracknell Academy
Houston Academy
Bracknell Academy
Virtual Classroom (UK)
Virtual Classroom (US)
Bracknell Academy
Virtual Classroom (UK)
Houston Academy
Bracknell Academy
Virtual Classroom (UK)
Virtual Classroom (US)
Bracknell Academy
Virtual Classroom (UK)
Houston Academy
Delivered exclusively for your company
A rapid, coordinated, and compassionate response to an incident is more important today than at any other time. Companies need to meet the demands of national legislation and industry regulation, the expectations of the public and the rush of the modern media machine. Understanding the 12 Principles of Crisis Management will help to ensure an effective and efficient response effort. New challenges have come to the forefront of emergency operations, including: criminalisation, risk management, crisis communications, data management, insurance settlements, strong leadership and long-term business continuity. Based on Kenyon’s 115+ years of emergency response experience, the principles presented in this interactive course will help participants navigate the path to a robust and well-informed Crisis Management programme.
- Develop a broad understanding of how and why organisations should respond to an incident
- Assist in the understanding of the organisation’s responsibilities during an incident
- Demonstrate to industry leaders’ first-hand lessons learned in crisis management
- Create a proactive culture within the organisation’s industry, where the focus is on addressing issues and concerns in advance of an incident
- Build constructive relationships with stakeholders to promote accountability
- Crisis Response
- Humanitarian Assistance
- Crisis Communications
- Public Inquiry, Notification and Travel Management Centre
- Investigation
- Insurance, Finance and Risk Management
- Data Management
- Government and Community Affairs
- Fatality Operations
- Personal Effects Operations
- Business Continuity
- Crisis Leadership
Suitable For: Senior Managers and Executives with strategic responsibilities for the delivery of a crisis management capability and those responsible for implementing and maintaining the emergency response plan and supporting response structures.
Format:Extensive use of case studies, large and small group discussions and exercises.
Further Information:
To learn more about the 12 Principles of Crisis Management Training and how it can complement your existing Emergency Plan, please e-mail kenyon@kenyoninternational.com or contact the Kenyon UK Office at +44 (0) 1344 316 650